Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Of Whisks, Spatulas and Knives...

Chefs/Cooks/Bakers have their own worn out sets of knives, spatula, and whisk that they have used for so long that they become so familiar and comfortable like the back of their hands, this utensils usually saw their beginnings, their falls, their burned foods, their masterpieces and most importantly their dreams. But there will come a time that they have to take this utensils to rest either it was broken, worn-out or they decided to change it because they discovered something that is more better in quality and durability. So they take out a sturdy box, wrap them in a fine paper, double wrap it in a silky cloth and keep it, then move-on and a live a better and happy life with your new set of knives, spatulas and whisks.

Late 2012 when I cemented my plans of leaving everything behind and will take this big boat of risk and jump off ship to the vast ocean of culinary arts in the big city. It was a scary plan (partly crazy) but I said to myself if this is your dream you will have to be KG-tough... yeap like Kevin Garnett tough!

2013 just after my birthday and Valentine's Day, I took off. Left my beloved curvy whisk and my almost melted overworked spatula behind. But brought with me my beloved red Chef's knife and purple utility knife. This means I was prepared for anything.

I know most humans think this is one crazy decision and pure out of the blue. That's okay because primarily Im not human I consider myself a quarter Beagle, a quarter mermaid, a quarter White Christmas (I mean the shrub) and a quarter one of the characters in Ice Age just in human form. Kidding aside. I have thought and calculated about this for nearly a decade. I sleep and breathe Travel and Living Channel, flour, salt and pepper, eating out, twisting stove and oven knobs.... smelling food for me is like smelling Vicks Vaporub on stuffy nose infested day. Cooking good cures all evil and bad inside me. Burning my food brings out the Silver Lining Playbook out of me, I go crazy and wants to do it all over again even at 3am. 

Someday if I will be writing my memoir entitled "Of Whisks, Spatulas and Knives"... I will say it all started in the Summer of 2013. I took the jump and swam off...

* This blog will continue to publish blogs posts soon but sadly it wont be my cooking... it will be more about real life accounts of  the competitive and stress-full and fun world of  culinary. And some culinary discoveries around this Big City.... would love to change again the name of my blog but its too time consuming for me and confusing for my readers, so I opted to retain this blog name.

XoXo with lots of cinnamon sugar, salt and pepper and dash of chili flakes,

Ms. Claudine N.

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