Monday, February 4, 2013

Be inspired: Bake some Dinner Roll

Bought FOOD Magazine February Issue, got inspired by their articles about bread, so I made some dinner rolls today... actually a one large dinner roll... american loaf size.

I followed their ingredients but didn't follow their procedure... I made it in my own "artisan" way. It means I didn't use any machines... I kneaded the dough with utmost care and passion. And let it rise to its heart's content. As a baker I find a high by doing this.  

Bread making is kinda complex than baking cakes, you have to know your ingredients well and how does it react with other ingredients and if you plan to knead it by your hands and not by mixer you should have the right rhythm and pulse.  

If you can perfect making a dinner roll then you can do anything in the world of breads, from cheese rolls to pan de sal to ensaymada to cinnamon rolls to anything. 

Let me share to you how to do this Dinner Roll:

Basic Soft Dough Recipe

1 cup milk, room temperature
1 1/2 eggs (if you ask me how to have a 1/2 egg, weigh your eggs, 1 egg with shell is 57 grams so 1 1/2 egg is 85.5 grams)
2 3/4 teaspoon yeast
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup butter, softened

3 cups bread floorMix in a bowl the flour, yeast, sugar, and salt. Set Aside.  Whisk together your eggs and milk, do not beat. Add this to the flour mixture. mix thoroughly using your floured hands, add more flour gradually  when your mixture is too wet. When your dough forms add the butter. Knead dough in a lightly greased surface until its smooth and elastic, your dough is ready after 10 minutes of kneading that's around 150- 200 strokes.

Gather your dough and place it in a large greased bowl, cover with cheese cloth. Let it rise until the dough reaches its edge. You will know and see that it  reached its peak size, sometimes it takes 4 hours. Take your time do not rush the dough. 

Punch down and form it to the shape you want it to be. Place it in your desired greased baking pan. And let it rise for the second time, an hour will do. Brush the top with egg wash (milk+egg yolk). Bake for 20 minutes at 177 degrees Celsius. 

You can use this recipe to make your cinnamon rolls, raisin bread, ensaymada...etc

So if you plan to bake a really good bread... take your sweet time.

" There don’t have to be harps playing or birds singing or pose petals falling from the sky… And there are definitely days when the romance is dead. But if you look around, things are pretty amazing. So stop for a second. Enjoy the beauty. Feel the magic. Drink it in. ‘Cause it won’t last forever. The romance will fade. Things will happen. People will change. Love will die. But… maybe not today. "


  1. Hello there, baking bud! Got your site from The Foodie Blogroll. And boy, am I amazed at all your baked creations. This one a smash. I never tried baking breads, only cakes and pastries, and perhaps still never will. But I'm kinda tempted with this posted.
    Hope you visit my site as well.
    Let's exchange links, shall we?
