Friday, January 11, 2013

Book Review: Goldilocks Bakebook

This book is a cross between a coffee table book and a cookbook. Visually this book is a perfect 10 but technically I mean recipe-wise just below 5. If you are hoping that Goldilocks gave out their recipes for your favorite polvoron, mocha roll or brazos de mercedes then this book will disappoint you. They didn't.

I remembered I have too many egg whites in the freezer so I decided to try the meringue recipe well it turned out to be a complete inedible disaster. HOW CAN A MERINGUE RECIPE GO WRONG? Weird... So  I tried another recipe  "Crema the Fruta", well in turned out--- not so Goldilocks. 

If you are in search for a good baking recipe book this is not for you, but if you are for reading and shopping for a good coffeetable book on baking well I will suggest this book. Its inspiring to read how Goldilocks started and it will somehow remind you of your favorite Goldilocks Cake (mine was the good 'ol Ube Roll) and this book will remind you how good Goldilocks was before it expanded and became available nationwide.

Price-wise, its a steal for Pesos795, considering it  has glossy,thick and colorful pages, if this was a foreign  authored book the price could have been tripled.

 If you are a baking buff  like me buy it! Decades from now this will turn into a good memorabilia of our most loved, proudly Pinoy bakeshop. 


  1. I have the book and tried one of the recipes. I'm an experienced baker but It was a disaster. I am not expecting the authors to give the exact recipe but come up with one that works! Now I am hesitant to try another one.

  2. so true,i tried the recipe of their puto and lecheflan it turn out not so good.i'm so disappointed.

  3. I tried making the Classic Polvoron recipe and was surprised that the mixture was too wet. It looked more like yema. I had to add more toasted flour, sugar and milk so it would be more like a polvoron. I should have used my old recipe - RR

  4. HI, I was wondering where I can get a copy of this cookbook? Thank you in advance.....


  5. Hi,

    Anyone know where I can get a copy? Or is anyone willing to sell theirs, I'm willing to pay:)
    Please contact:


  6. HI, recipes never worked. I tried ensaymada, eggpie-----failures.


  8. i really wanted to have this recipe book plsssssss send me one ;)

  9. Hi there,

    Adding to some of the comments, this book is very misleading in the sense that what you expect as shown in the photo is exactly the opposite. Pictures are pictures, the outcome will be different, if not a disaster. Totally waste of time buying the book and trying it out.

    1. hello there, I am hoping if you might be interested to share me your book. if interested to sell the book, i would be happy to buy it from you. please let me know. my email is
